Today we worked around the garden in groups improving the look of the garden. Everyone checked on the spinach which we will be cooking next week.
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Friday, 14 June 2013
Business Success
Year Five ran their first fruit and vegetable stall today parents and friends were able to buy fresh produce to take home and enjoy. Everyone commented how good Year Five were at persuading people to buy.
Thursday, 13 June 2013
History in the garden
Year one and two really enjoyed their visit to the garden museum. The explored many garden artifacts some very old. They made a dvd all about it.
Wednesday, 12 June 2013
Garlic Spray
We are using some of our garlic to make a spray to use against aphids as well as using nettle spray to help them recover from an aphid attack.
Worms Thrive
The worms are doing very well and we have added our third tray. The liquid that comes out from the bottom is diluted and used as plant food.
White Rocket
Wild flowers attract insects to our garden we have discovered white rocket growing around the garden which is edible.
Leaf Mulch
Today the Y5 children sorted all the leaves so they are all in the same place. They will be used in the Autumn to dig into the soil and put around the trees so our soil will be nutritious.